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February 2024 Connections

Alumni virtually interviewed our Regional Finalists across the country and got together in person around the US.

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February 2024 Accolades

Heather Bowerman (2002) and her company, Dot Labs, was featured on NASDAQ’s iconic billboard in Times Square; Eric Veal, Jr. (2022) was accepted to the Institute for Responsible Citizenship’s Class of 2025; and Kristina Skrela Gisonde (1999) was inducted into her company’s Hall of Fame

January 2024 Connections

Scholars gathered virtually for the first learning event of the year, “An Inside-Out Approach to Goal Setting,” and in person around the world.

January 2024 Accolades

Rosita Najmi (2000) gave a Ted Talk on multilingual leadership, Gitanjali Rao (2023) was honored by The King Center, Olivia Sally (2020) won the Marshall Scholarship, and Cage Sawyers (2017) was appointed to the Texas Higher Education Board.

8 Coke Scholars Named Brightest Young Entrepreneurs, Leaders, and Stars in Forbes 2024 30 Under 30 List

Learn how they’re positively impacting the world as leaders in their field.

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Alumni Accolades August 2014

Alumni Accolades August 2014

Kelsey Tainsh (2008) spoke recently at The Coca-Cola Company’s Atlanta headquarters on persevering through cancer and more! Check out this article on Coca-Cola’s Journey site about her speech and story. Simone Ridgeway (2008) received her MS in biotechnology at the University of Alabama Birmingham and was highlighted on the school’s website. She will be working at…

Alumni Connections August 2014

Alumni Connections August 2014

CCSF had a busy summer with lots of visits from our Scholars!  We had the pleasure of catching up with: Mpaza Kapembwa (2011) and Alison Mansfield (2013) Ali Hartman (2001) with her husband and son Maddie Dill (2014) Ameet Kallarackal (2014) Nadia Kemal (2012) Anna Jo Cowan (2011), Julian Plowden (2010), Stephen Fowler (2012) and Ranni Tewfik (2005) Clara Tsao (2009)…

Alumni Celebrations August 2014

Alumni Celebrations August 2014

Alice Park (1999) and her husband Kyu welcomed their daughter Elise Tsui Tin Park on July 26th!  She joins big brother Lyon, and her Coca-Cola Scholars family can’t wait to meet her! Tyrha Lindsey (1990) married Sidney Warren on August 16th.  They received this shout out in the New York Times!

Alumni Accolades July 2014

Alumni Accolades July 2014

2014 Scholars Alex Crockett and Cody Sain have been named recipients of the Peyton Manning Scholarship at the University of Tennessee. Lauren Kuhn (2009) was crowned Miss Massachusetts last week! Read media coverage here and here. Several state representatives have been Coca-Cola Scholars over the years, including 2004 Miss America Ericka Dunlap (2000). Lauren is a student…