Alumni Connections 2014
Coke Scholars in Atlanta got together for a night at the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra recently!
This spring, FSU Professor and 1997 Coke Scholar Wendi Adelson led a team of Florida State University law and medical students on a service learning trip to Immokalee, Florida. Wendi connected with Tori Bawel (2010) at last fall’s Coke Scholars Leadership Summit, and Tori joined Wendi’s group to learn about medical legal partnerships and migrant farm worker communities. Wendi and Tori had a wonderful time in Immokalee and enjoyed sharing a few Cokes!

Left to right: Jensen Abellaneda, Sonny Pilanthnakorno, Dianna He (2005), Chris Paul, John Tang, Edward Chan; Not pictured: David Buckholtz,(1993) and Sofia Fernandez (1990)
Coke Scholars and Coke employees in Los Angeles got together for the 2014 L.A. Sports Awards. Here is a photo they took with Chris Paul, 2014 Sportsman of the Year!
2014 Scholars met up at the Morehead Cain Finalist Weekend in February.