Alumni Accolades February 2014
Congratulations to Derrius Quarles (2009), author of “Million Dollar Scholar”, who won the Tavis Smiley Social Innovation Competition! He will also be pitching at SXSW as a finalist in the Student Startup Madness.
Congratulations to Gabby Mitchell (2008) who has been invited to join Teach for America in New York City as an Early Childhood Educator! A recruiter reached out to her when she read that Gabby is a Coke Scholar! We are happy to help make these connections through our partnership with Teach for America, which is often highlighted in our alumni newsletter.
Alex Dzurick (2008) was selected for a 3 year appointment to the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Committee on Informal Science Teaching. This appointment is related to his work as the Energy Educator for Columbia Water & Light, a municipal water and electric utility in Columbia, Missouri, where Alex has been working on school and community outreach on energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean drinking water, and other energy-related topics.
Christopher Gray (2010) and Bryson Alef (2010) founded Scholly, a smartphone app that allows students to search for scholarships, and it was recently written up in Forbes in this article!
Mr. Charles Doxley (2002), an Electronics Engineer at NASA Glenn Research Center, will be honored at the 28th Annual BEYA STEM Global Competitiveness Conference held in Washington D.C. as the recipient of the Most Promising Scientist in Government award at the Emerald Honors and Trailblazers dinner on February 6th demonstrates tremendous potential for future scientific contributions based on previous merit.
Congratulations to Jackie Rotman (2008)! Her organization Everybody Dance Now! was the first nonprofit accepted to Stanford’s accelerator, StartX! Through this experience, EDN! was featured in Tech Crunch, Dish Daily, Silicon Valley Business Journal as pitch of the week, San Jose Business Journal, SF Business Journal, PR Web, and more!
Radhika Rawat (2010) was chosen to help design and teach a course with Saul Perlmutter (2011 Nobel Laureate in Physics), Rob MacCoun (Law and Public Policy), and John Campbell (Philosophy), three of Berkeley’s most distinguished professors. The course, “Sense, Sensibility, and Science” is one of the “Big Ideas” courses at Cal that exposes students to the top thinking and professors on campus.