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February 2024 Connections

Alumni virtually interviewed our Regional Finalists across the country and got together in person around the US.

August 2022 Connections

So many Scholars met up this month! 2022 Scholars connected at an engineering program at Stanford University, Coke Northeast hosted Scholars at Fenway Park, and more.

July 2022 Connections

Heartland Coca-Cola hosted Aashish Allu (2022) and his family at their St. Charles distribution center, Evanna Dominic (2022) presented her Educator of Distinction certificate, and Scholar friends took a trip to New York.

June 2022 Accolades

Michelle Peluso (1989) was inducted into the 2022 Forbes CMO Hall of Fame and Neagheen Homaifar (2006) starred in a movie.

June 2022 Connections

Alina Zaidi (2022) was proud to present her Educator of Distinction certificate and Riva Rahl (1991) and Iman Cooper (2011) kicked off our Coke Scholars Summer Refresh Series.

May 2022 Accolades

Diana Chao (2016) and Sreeya Pittala (2022) were selected for MTV’s first-ever MTV Youth Action Forum and 18 Coke Scholars were selected as Presidential Scholars.